Results for 'R. A. Bjork'

949 found
  1. Category-based retrieval inhibition in human-memory.M. C. Anderson & R. A. Bjork - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):524-524.
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  2. Developing episodic distinctiveness via retrieval practice-insulation from associate interference.T. M. Gross & R. A. Bjork - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):491-492.
  3. A G McKoon, Gail, 500 Merikle, Philip M., 525 Andrade, Jackie, 562 Goshen-Gottstein, Yonatan, Mori, Monica, 91 117 Graf, Peter, 91 B P. [REVIEW]Anthony G. Greenwald, Bernard J. Baars, John R. Pani, Mahzarin R. Banaji, J. Passchier, William P. Banks, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, A. E. Bonebakker, Timothy L. Hubbard & Roger Ratcliff - 1996 - Consciousness and Cognition 5:606.
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    Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability: Philosophy of Action and the Criminal Law.Anthony Kenny & R. A. Duff - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (164):378.
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    Die Redefigur "Substanz a Produziert Wirkung B" in Den Frühen Rezeptarien Und Der Materia Medica Der Chinesischen Textkultur1.F. R. A. Schmidt - 2002 - Early Science and Medicine 7 (2):121-136.
    This article focuses on the interaction between recipes unearthed from tombs datable to the Han dynasty and the early history of the materia medica. We observed that the two medicographic media, i.e. the materia medica and the recipes, share the following logical structure: [Substance] A [produces] → [effect] B Our arrow indicates a variety of relations, which the present article tries to categorize.
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  6. Andersson, A., On second-order generalized quanti" ers and" finite structures.D. R. Hirschfeldt, B. Khoussainov, R. A. Shore & A. M. Slinko - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 115:303.
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    Aristote: L'Ethique a Nicomaque.Mary Warnock, R. A. Gauthier & J. Y. Jolif - 1961 - Philosophical Quarterly 11 (45):366.
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  8. Gene expression patterns in a novel animal appendage: The sea urchin pluteus arm.A. C. Love, M. E. Lee & R. A. Raff - 2007 - Evolution & Development 9:51–68.
    The larval arms of echinoid plutei are used for locomotion and feeding. They are composed of internal calcite skeletal rods covered by an ectoderm layer bearing a ciliary band. Skeletogenesis includes an autonomous molecular differentiation program in primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), initiated when PMCs leave the vegetal plate for the blastocoel, and a patterning of the differentiated skeletal units that requires molecular cues from the overlaying ectoderm. The arms represent a larval feature that arose in the echinoid lineage during the (...)
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  9. Attitudes of men toward family planning in Mbeya region, Tanzania: a rural–urban comparison of qualitative date.A. Eleuther, A. A. Mwageni & R. A. Powel - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30:381-392.
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  10. Master Index to Volumes 61-70.Z. Adamowicz, K. Ambos-Spies, A. H. Lachlan, R. I. Soare, R. A. Shore, M. A. da ArchangelskyTaitslin, S. Artemov & J. Bagaria - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70:289-294.
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  11. Primate communication.D. H. Owings, M. D. Hauser, R. A. Sevcik, E. S. Savage-Rumbaugh, S. Shanker, P. Lieberman, K. R. Gibson, T. J. Taylor, J. S. Pettersson & L. M. Stark - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    100 Anos de FíSica QuâNtica.M. S. Hussein & Sílvio R. A. Salinas (eds.) - 2002 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Instituto de Física USP.
    Este volume resume as palestras apresentadas durante o simpósio comemorativo dos "100 Anos da Física Quântica", realizado no Instituto de Física da USP. Para avaliar o significado dessa comemoração, basta lembrar que a Física no século XIX parecia estar completa. Os textos agrupados neste volume tratam de aspectos históricos associados à emergência inicial da teoria quântica, de desenvolvimentos relacionados com algumas das suas mais notórias conseqüências, e de aplicações abrangendo fenômenos desde a escala sub-atômica, atômica e molecular, até as dimensões (...)
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  13. Viṭā muyar̲ci ver̲r̲ikku val̲i.Em ĀrEm Aptur̲-R̲ahīm - 1963
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  14. The Chinese century? Some policy implications of China's move to high-tech innovation.R. P. Appelbaum & R. A. Parker - 2012 - In Barbara Herr Harthorn & John Mohr, The social life of nanotechnology. New York: Routledge.
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  15. Bell's theorem and the foundations of modern physics.F. Barone, A. O. Barut, E. Beltrametti, S. Bergia, R. A. Bertlmann, H. R. Brown, G. C. Ghirardi, D. M. Greenberger, D. Home & M. Jammer - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (8).
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    Introduction.P. H. Werhane & R. A. Cooke - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (11):829 - 830.
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    Routledge handbook of interpretive political science.Mark Bevir & R. A. W. Rhodes (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Interpretive political science focuses on the meanings that shape actions and institutions, and the ways in which they do so. This Handbook explores the implications of interpretive theory for the study of politics. It provides the first definitive survey of the field edited by two of its pioneers. This Handbook is an invaluable resource for students, scholars and practitioners in the areas of international relations, comparative politics, political sociology, political psychology and public administration.
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    Extension of the theory of the effects of anisotropic relaxation times on the hall coefficients of some dilute alloys of silver.J. R. A. Cooper & S. Raimes - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (46):1149-1154.
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    Taʻlīmāt-i Qurʼānī aur ʻaṣr-i ḥāẓir.Tauqīr ʻĀlam Falāḥī - 2018 - Naʼī Dihlī: Insṭīṭiyūṭ āf Ābjekṭīv Isṭaḍīz.
    Study on the Qurʼānic teaching for ideal society.
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  20. The breastfeeding programme in Brazil.P. Marin, Y. P. de Oliveira, M. T. Asquith, M. M. Wellington, I. Narayanan, M. Carballo, R. E. Jones, D. Munyakho, R. A. Bell & H. Marcovitch - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (1):153-60.
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    Symposium: The Problem of Simultaneity: Is There a Paradox in the Principle of Relativity in Regard to the Relation of Time Measured to Time Lived?H. Wildon Carr, R. A. Sampson & A. N. Whitehead - 1923 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 3 (1):15 - 41.
  22. Miḳraʼah: peraḳim be-maḥshevet ha-ḥinukh shel Rabi Shimshon Refaʼel Hirsh, zatsal.Re®Uven Mamu, Mikhlalah Ha-Datit le-Morim °A. Sh R. A. Lifshits & Makhon Ha-Torani le-°Idud Yozmot Òvi-Yetsirot Meòkoriyot (eds.) - 1996 - Yerushalayim: ha-Makhon ha-Torani le-ʻidud yozmot ṿi-yetsirot meḳoriyot.
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  23. ABELSON, R. "Persons: A Study in Philosophical Psychology". [REVIEW]A. R. White - 1979 - Mind 88:146.
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  24. Punishment, Communication, and Community.R. A. Duff - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (211):310-313.
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    WHITE, A. R.: "Modal Thinking".R. A. Girle - 1978 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56:72.
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    Culture and Society, 1780-1950.R. A. C. Oliver & Raymond Williams - 1959 - British Journal of Educational Studies 8 (1):74.
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    Sources of the Self.R. A. Sharpe - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):234.
    'Most of us are still groping for answers about what makes life worth living, or what confers meaning on individual lives', writes Charles Taylor in Sources of the Self. 'This is an essentially modern predicament.' Charles Taylor's latest book sets out to define the modern identity by tracing its genesis, analysing the writings of such thinkers as Augustine, Descartes, Montaigne, Luther, and many others. This then serves as a starting point for a renewed understanding of modernity. Taylor argues that modern (...)
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    A modal extension of intuitionist logic.R. A. Bull - 1965 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 (2):142-146.
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    Moral Relativity.R. A. Duff - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (142):99-101.
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    [Omnibus Review].R. A. Bull - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):231-234.
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    Moral Dilemmas.R. A. Duff - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 39 (155):240-242.
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    On modal logic with propositional quantifiers.R. A. Bull - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):257-263.
    I am interested in extending modal calculi by adding propositional quantifiers, given by the rules for quantifier introduction: provided that p does not occur free in A.
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    Representational Ideas: From Plato to Patricia Churchland.R. A. Watson & Richard Allan Watson - 1995 - Springer Verlag.
    He then proceeds with an examination of the picture theory developed by Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Goodman, and concludes with an examination of Patricia Churchland, Ruth Millikan, Robert Cummins, and Mark Rollins. The use of the historical development of representationalism to pose a central problem in contemporary cognitive science is unique.
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  34. A larger than life persona who makes people feel immediately at ease.R. A. Kala - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2):7.
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    A Note on Likeness of Meaning.R. A. Price - 1950 - Analysis 11 (1):18-19.
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  36. Alan R. White, Grounds of Liability: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law Reviewed by.R. A. Duff - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (6):316-318.
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  37. Enthusiasm, A Chapter in the History of Religion.R. A. Knox - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (1):138-139.
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  38. Sartre e a revolta do nosso tempo.R. A. Amaral Vieira - 1967 - Rio,: Forense.
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    Trials and Punishments.R. A. Duff - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    How can a system of criminal punishment be justified? In particular can it be justified if the moral demand that we respect each other as autonomous moral agents is taken seriously? Traditional attempts to justify punishment as a deterrent or as retribution fail, but Duff suggests that punishment can be understood as a communicative attempt to bring a wrong-doer to repent her crime. This account is supported by discussions of moral blame, of penance, of the nature of the law's demands, (...)
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  40. Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy [by] A.H. Armstrong and R.A. Markus.A. H. Armstrong & R. A. Markus - 1960 - Darton, Longman & Todd.
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  41. I︠A︡zyk i rechʹ v krugozore cheloveka.R. A. Budagov - 2000 - Moskva: Dobrosvet-2000.
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    Art and Expertise.R. A. Sharpe - 1985 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 85:133 - 147.
    R. A. Sharpe; VIII*—Art and Expertise, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 85, Issue 1, 1 June 1985, Pages 133–148,
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  43.  26
    Liberal Education in a Technical Age.R. A. C. Oliver - 1955 - British Journal of Educational Studies 4 (1):85.
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    Virtues and Vices.R. A. Duff - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (118):86-88.
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    Minds made up.R. A. Sharpe - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):91 – 106.
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    (1 other version)A Class of Extensions of the Modal System S4 with the Finite Model Property.R. A. Bull - 1965 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 11 (2):127-132.
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    (1 other version)On a paper of akira nakamura.R. A. Bull - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (7‐12):155-156.
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    A Lack of Discipline.R. A. Becher - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (188):205 - 211.
  49. Young Kuwaitis' views of the acceptability of physician-assisted suicide.R. A. Ahmed, P. C. Sorum & E. Mullet - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):671-676.
    Aim To study the views of people in a largely Muslim country, Kuwait, of the acceptability of a life-ending action such as physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Method 330 Kuwaiti university students judged the acceptability of PAS in 36 scenarios composed of all combinations of four factors: the patient's age (35, 60 or 85 years); the level of incurability of the illness (completely incurable vs extremely difficult to cure); the type of suffering (extreme physical pain or complete dependence) and the extent to (...)
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  50. SETTANNI, HARRY: Holism: a Philosophy for Today anticipating the Twenty First Century.A. P. G. R. - 1992 - Pensamiento 48 (189/192):499-500.
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